Monday 18 January 2016

Linen Suits - Your Partner for Warm Weathers

Keeping up with fashion is really easy if you know the basics right. Just because it’s summer, you cannot just ditch your style. While loose T-shirts and pants are the popular choice in the months of summer, a suit is usually the first choice for any formal occasion, be it an office party or a family function, and why not?! After all, suits are known as the sexiest attire for men.


However, just because you wish to wear a suit you do not have to torture yourself. You can always choose a suitable fabric. And as far as warmer months of the year are concerned, Linen is the most popular fabric of choice due to its light weight, highly absorbent nature and breathable property. It does not stick to your skin and lets you go by your day feeling at ease and comfortable. However, it can be carried out in any season if paired with the right accessories.

Linen clothing sends out an extremely relaxed vibe along with the natural luster and unusual charm it reflects. Although its tendency to get wrinkly real easy however is a setback that pushes many men to opt it out while going for a very professional event, engraved with a nice texture and a good printed pattern it makes a very good choice for a casual office day, casual parties, meetings and weddings.


Among any bespoke suit in Australia, linen suits no doubt win the game when it comes to durability. Furthermore, linen suits are fairly easy to wash. They do not require regular cleaning and do equally well even if washed by hand and does not lose its shape or become shaggy in appearance. Washing, in fact, makes this fabric much softer and smoother in texture.

Here are a few tips to help you get the best out of this fabric:

The right fit brings out the best in you
Always make sure that your suit fits you perfectly. A loose suit can make it look shoddy and if too tight, well, you will have to compromise on the comfort front. If needed, always pay your local tailor a visit to get your suit altered in the right fit.


Pair Away
You can always match your suit with your favorite denim and customize your attire according to your mood or occasion. A bow tie, pocket square, tight denims and cotton shirt are the perfect blend to wear down a linen suit.


Play with the colors
Colors play an important role in defining your overall look. Lighter colors give a more casual feel while darker colors give a more formal vibe. Although, when it comes to defining your own style and wearing custom tailored suits in Australia, there is nothing better than giving your quirky imagination a go.


So, go ahead and make all the heads turn with your unusual style.

Monday 11 January 2016

Cotton Suits- The Popular Choice For Summers

Summer heat can bring even the strongest of men down on their knees. So, when it comes to clothing, all we want to do is pick up the most comfortably loose T-shirt paired with shorts or equally loose pyjamas. However, the world is a place that demands us to adjust even when it comes to choosing the best clothes for ourselves. Of course no one will stop you from wearing your favorite T-shirt or from staying in your pyjamas all day long but when it comes to bringing your professional face forward, you cannot wear just anything.


How you dress up and show up in your office or for a meeting greatly affects your professional life and relations. The same goes for any formal event, and what can be a better choice than a suit? Then again, you don’t really have to completely ignore your comfort. You can choose a fabric that allows you to look your formal best while also allowing you to breathe comfortably, and for summers cotton happens to be the best and most popular choice among all kind of clothing, be it men’s, women’s or kids’.


Linen and silk woo work their charm in summers but there is no beating up a dress made out of cotton. Cotton’s laid back vibes make it the best pick for summer garments. If somewhere some place there was a debate for the most versatile fabric, cotton would win for sure.


Need a solid reason to say that yes, cotton is the best?! We’ll give you not one but five.

1.    Cotton is very light weight. Even though cotton like any other fabric comes in many weights, a smooth chino (a type of cotton) being the lightest wins the summer suit race.
2.    Cotton fabric is breathable. It lets fresh air reach out to your skin and feel fresh.
3.    Cotton definitely looks sexy with its unique rumple effect.
4.    Summer time demands a color scheme that is natural and has a soothing effect for the eyes, and cotton makes light, natural colors look cooler.
5.    Last but not the least, cotton is very cheap.

So, get out there and impress the world wearing your cotton suit.

Sunday 10 January 2016

Pairing The Right Socks And Shoes With A Formal Suit

Even the most stubborn woman can fall for a guy’s look when he steps out in a suit. However, it should be a suit that fits him right and paired with the right kind of accessories; ties, socks, shoes, waistcoat etc.

Although, it’s true that more casual look is being appreciated these days and we can see more people wearing casual and comfortable sneakers paired with a suit, there is no denying to the fact that a properly executed style has no match. Make two men stand side by side; one with a suit-sneaker pair and other with a well and formally matched suit-shoe pair, there is hundred percent guarantee that you will fall head over heels for the latter as it raises the bar for over 10,000 points.

If you are a man who doesn’t care a tad about colors and matching ties or shoes, no worries! We are here to rescue you as always. We have put together a simple formula that will help you dress your best the next time and impress all the ladies around.

Pairing socks with a Suit

The socks you pick should always be either of the same color or of a slightly darker shade than that of your custom tailored suits in Australia.For instance, if your suit is grey, your socks should be either dark grey or charcoal. If your suit is blue, the socks you pair with it should be navy or carbon blue.

However, when it comes to a brown suit, there is an exception to the pairing rule as slightly lighter colors such as Tan, Khaki or Beige look better than darker shades.

In case your suit is patterned or stripe, always pick the color of the lesser dominant stripe for socks, and in case it’s your socks are also striped, make sure that the base color of the socks is equivalent to the dominant colored stripes in the suit.

Pairing shoes with a Suit

When you are going for a formal look, the Bb formula always works its charm, where B is black and b is brown. These are the two colors that can increase the natural charm of any bespoke suit in Australia to a much higher level.

So, there you go. Now get out there and mesmerize the crowd.

Wednesday 6 January 2016

A Guide To Seasonal Fabrics For Men’s Suits

Nothing is more frustrating than buying a suit you like and then realizing that the seasonal and weather conditions do not really allow you to go for it. But as they say, there is a solution for every single problem; you should be able to carry whatever style you like regardless of the time and month of the year.

While it’s true that most of the fabrics are suitable only for a particular season but you can always pick up an equivalent fabric that lets you flaunt your favorite style regardless of the season and still weave the same magic and be more comfortable.

To make the task easier for you, we have paired the fabric types that you can wear as a supplement to the other according to the season.

1.    Hopsack and Flannel
Hopsack is one of the most favorable fabrics among men to be tailored into a suit for summers. It is a lightweight blend of 20% linen, 30% silk and 50% wool. It’s loose and basket weaved texture gives it a cool, breathable property, which makes it the right choice for summer. The best winter equivalent for hopsack is flannel that gives more or less the same sense of style but with its property to provide warmth and soothe the roughened winter skin with its spongy feel.


2.    Linen and Tweed
One thing that everybody hates about summer is sweatiness. Linen is one such fabric that is a solution to that irritating feeling due to its property to absorb moisture. And, one thing that makes it stand out is its wrinkly look. Tweed provides the same look and feel as that of Linen in addition to the appreciable warmth it provides in winters.


3.    Silk and Velvet
What can be a better clothing choice for the exhaustive summer heat than a lightweight garment with a texture that soothes the skin? That is why silk is the most luxurious and celebrated choice for summer suits. On the other hand, if you are on a look out for a suit for a winter occasion, velvet is undoubtedly the best equivalent to silk. Besides its similar lustrous appearance to silk, it provides enough warmth to tolerate the cold winter winds.


4.    Chino and Corduroy
Chino is a fabric woven out of 100% cotton. The famous cooling property of cotton is what makes chino one of the most desirable and suitable fabrics for summer suits. The best supplement to chino is a suit made of corduroy fabric. Corduroy is known for its long shelf life, comfort and unique rigged texture.