Wednesday 28 January 2015

A Brief Guide To Match Suit Color With Befitting Shoes

“Black shoes are the perfect companion for the black suits” – Well, once this was indeed a style, but that era is long gone. The new fashion world demands the addition of colors to your signature suits. Create a style statement by adding the right colored shoe to your suit. This blog will help you in mixing popular suit colors with the befitting shoes.  

Knowing the colors
While buying Custom Tailored Suits In Melbourne, you can select any color that suits your need. However, some of the conventional colors still stand to be popular. One of such color is black. Mid-gray and navy snatches the next spot on the list. Other than these, charcoal and brown stands to be immensely popular. To match the suits, we have taken three popular shoe colors. These colors stand as being conventional yet has gained immense popularity in the modern era. The colors are black, brown and burgundy.
Best Bespoke Tailors 
Mixing the colors
Here is a brief guide to mix the perfect colors and get a stunning look.
1. Navy colored suits perfectly go with all three shoe colors.
2. The brown suit fit with brown or burgundy colored shoes. It doesn’t suit with black shoes.
3. Black shoes complement the gray suits in the best way. They also look good with burgundy color. 4. Well, when it is about black suit, then matching it with black shoe is the best option.
5. The charcoal gray suit doesn’t look good with burgundy. However, black and brown are perfect fit.
Careful color selection of signature Bespoke Suit In Melbourne, along with confidence, is your secret of being a trend setter.

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