Wednesday 30 March 2016

Mystery Solved! Here’s How You Wear A Waistcoat…

Waistcoats, even though optional, are the most dreaded part of a suit.

The reason? Misrepresentation!

It goes without saying that most men simply skip over the waistcoats and go for a simple shirt-tie-suit combination for the fear of ending up looking like a waiter. Again, this over-rated fear is just that, ‘over-rated fear’.

A waistcoat can actually add a great charismatic appeal to one’s style. It allows you to experiment with layers while still sticking to the dress code, if there any and come off as stylish and groomed. Now, if you happen to be thinking that waistcoat just isn’t for you because how can someone wear a piece of cloth wrong, then you, my friend, seriously need to read on because being stylish is not just about buying what looks stylish on a mannequin.

The first fix you need to make is the fit

Okay, so, you really liked that waistcoat (sadly now lying in some dark corner of your wardrobe) placed on a mannequin in the store, so you jumped right in and bought it. So, what went wrong that even though you tried it on and loved it then, you absolutely just can’t get out in it now?

Here’s the take. The right fit of a waistcoat doesn’t just mean that it wraps rightly around your waist. Along with it, you must make sure that the shoulders and the torso have the perfect snug fit and armholes are high enough but not too loose. If there happens to be any creases or pulling in the back or the coat hugs you too tight, it is best to try on another size.

Waistcoat is not a jacket so button it up

Waistcoats are meant to help you look tidy and streamlined. Loosening up the buttons make you look like you were in a rush and couldn’t dress up properly, and seriously, why would you want to give such an impression?

So, what should you do instead? Button it up but keep the last button loose so as to give you enough flexibility to move and not look like a prisoner in your own clothes.

Lastly, choose the texture wisely. Avoid too shiny fabric otherwise you might end up looking like a waiter. On the other hand, if you wear it right, it will just add to the charm of your bespoke suit in Sydney.

So, there you go. Now brush off the dust from your fear of wearing a waistcoat and own the look.

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