Saturday 16 April 2016

Tie-Knots And The Different Ways To Style Them

“You can have whatever you want if you dress for it.” – Edith Head

It’s important to know how to dress for an occasion. While the right dress shows a positive attitude, the wrong dress can make you feel like a perfect misfit. Imagine the horror of going completely white in a funeral or looking shabby on your wedding day. It will not only show a wrong side of you, but reflect your disinterest for the occasion and disrespect for the person involved in that occasion.

And, we’re pretty sure you don’t want that!

The easiest and more importantly, safest option to dress right for an occasion is opting for a nice suit.  Be it a bright colour, soft and refreshing colour or a dark shade – a suit can never go wrong in any occasion. To get the best of any suit you can blindly go for custom tailored suits in Melbourne that will undoubtedly offer you the best collections.

Furthermore, one good thing about suit is that it can be paired with lots of different and interesting choices of accessories. Be it ties, neckties or cufflinks, accessories add a dash of smartness and gentlemanliness in you.

Here is a guide to the types of tie-knots that can be worn in different occasions.

1.    Four In Hand Knot
This is a non-symmetrical form of tie knot, which will take up least of your time. Remember those sloppy yet smart tie knots you used to flaunt in your school days? Well, the Four In Hand knot is just that. If you’re going to a birthday party or an equivalent occasion that requires you to be dressy but not go over the board with it, then you can certainly choose this knot. Wear this style with a classic white shirt and be ready to get all the ladies’ attention.


2.    Half Windsor Knot
This one goes straight into the dictionary of all the well-dressed men out there. Symmetrical in shape and more formal in appearance, the Half Windsor knot is a hit with almost all kinds and designs of shirt. Plain colours, striped or any other design, this knot can make you a proper gentleman in anything. Owing to its flexibility, you can wear this at more formal occasions such as a business meeting, a job interview or a funeral. Pair this knot with tailor made suits Melbourne to bring out the best of style in you.


3.    The Full Windsor Knot
This is the ultimate form of formal tie knot. It is symmetrical and is exactly the same as the Half Windsor knot – except that it is a double knot. The Full Windsor uses the maximum fabric in the knot and is best suited with shirts that have wider collars. Wear this knot on your wedding day and we assure it will sweep your woman off of her feet as she walks down the aisle. You can also wear it on a business meeting.


After all, clothes are just fabrics unless you wear them right. Once you know your own style and how to flaunt it the right way, you’ll see the magic; your clothes becoming a lot more than just fabrics. We are sure you know which tie knot to wear with which suit the next time you go for an occasion.

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